Tricia Pelkey
Events Coordinator
Trish Pelkey is born and raised in Milwaukee, WI; after Nursing school at UW Madison, then traveling the world as a RN, she calls Bay Area home since 2006 working both ER and Surgery Center....Zeki Gunay is born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey coming to the USA for EE Grad School at Texas A&M, then moving to Silicon Valley 20+yrs ago!!
12ish yrs ago Trish and Zeki met in SF and together they share a love of traveling, sailing and spending time with their 3 boys; Jack Demir 4.5yo and twins Pierce and Blaze 2.5yo and TuxEdo (woof) who is a 7yo Lhasa Apso/Terrier who secretly rules the house, he is easy going, low maintenance and perfect for a house with loud boys!!!
Pre Covid kids love to travel to snuggle with grandparents and spent a lot of time at Sports Park trying to avoid ER visits....
Post Covid, kids still adjusting to Zoom with family, enjoy trips to the coast or Bear Valley area.. less crazy on bikes and scooters, but continued love for water sports, hiking, cooking, making messes, losing socks and shoes, writing on walls, and causing general kid ruckus...haaa
SVTT has been a great social avenue for our family and we look forward to continued social and networking events.