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Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

New and Expectant Parent Meetings

The first year with multiples is a whirlwind! Between all the feedings, diaper changes, and parent sleep deprivation, just getting out of the house can seem impossible. We are here as a support group catered to your families with multiples 12 months or younger.


Please feel free to reach out to our presidents for additional information.




Social Events

Being a part of Silicon Valley Twins & Triplets is also about having fun. Whether it’s family time, couple time, or parent time, we offer a number of activities to keep us all entertained. Social events give us a chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones.​ For any questions or comments regarding one of our events, please contact our Events Coordinator at



Exclusive Snow Closet


Ever think about taking your kids to visit the snow, but don't want to invest money into clothes and gear that your children will only wear once or twice? Take advantage of our exclusive snow closet - a donation driven collection of snow boots, jackets, bibs, and gloves in baby through young school age sizes.



Garage Sales


New and Used Gear! We are no longer hosting in-person garage sales; however, all club members have access to our 'always on' forum for buying and selling items via our SVTT Swap Facebook group.  It's a great place to buy, sell or give away ALL the clothing and gear that come with multiples! 



Meal Trains


Those overwhelming first weeks at home with new babies can be all-consuming for new parents. Meal trains are volunteer-provided meals that are available for every new family of multiples.  Not only will fantastic meals be delivered to your doorstep during those couple of weeks when you are trying to adjust to life with newborn multiples, but you’ll meet some supportive members.



Become a Member

Become a Member

The experience of parenting multiples poses unique challenges and tremendous rewards. Silicon Valley Twins & Triplets is here for you! We focus on supporting you and your family. 


  • Parents who have “been there” offer real-world advice and resources.

  • Online forums and social media keep you connected to our community when you "can’t get out of the house."

  • Workshops on various topics (such as sleeping for parents and babies, syncing infant schedules, selecting schools, using positive discipline, etc.) provide help when you need it.

  • Friendships blossom and thrive among parents, as well as children in playgroups.

  • Social events celebrate our common journey as families of multiples.


Membership are as follows:

  • General Member: $55/year with a 3 month free trial

  • School-Age Member (kindergarten+): $25/year

  • Board Member: $10/year


Prospective members are welcome to attend one of our New and Expectant Parents Meetings prior to joining. Register now for a three (3) month free trial.


In addition, Board Members are eligible for discounted pricing. If you're interested, check out our open positions in the section below.

Get Involved as a Board Member

What helps keep our club alive is volunteers from our members, such as you! We are currently looking to fill four board positions. The Meal Train Coordinator position is an excellent opportunity for anyone that would like to be involved but requires very little time commitment.


An additional perk of becoming a board member is a $45 discount on the annual membership fee. If this is something you are interested in, please feel free to join the next board meeting to meet the existing team and get a feel for how much fun it can be!


Check out the open positions below and email us at to find out more!


  • Meal Train Coordinator

  • Fundraising Coordinator

  • Webmaster

  • Marketing & Outreach Coordinator

Get Involved as a Board Member
Children's Race


Already a member? Log in to our Facebook members section to find out about upcoming events and news, view the new member checklist, chat with other members, and much more! All updates are also communicated on the monthly email newsletter.


Silicon Valley Twins & Triplets is a 501(c)(3) non-profit supporting families in the unique experience of parenting multiples (twins, triplets, and beyond). We are also dedicated to giving back to our community by assisting families of multiples in need.


© 2022 Silicon Valley Twins & Triplets. All Rights Reserved. 501(c)(3) Compliance   |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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